Every website has a different layout and website user flow, but there are some key things to consider when optimizing your website’s most valuable pages. One of the first questions you should ask yourself is what does this page do? Is it meant to capture leads, provide information about products or services, sell something? The answer will help determine how important the page is for marketing purposes. Once you have identified that, then it’s time to think about who your target audience is and what they’re looking for on your website. This will give you an idea of where visitors might click next after reading through one of your webpages. You can use this knowledge to create a more seamless user experience by connecting related content together so users don’t get lost. Ultimately, the most important thing to remember is that each website and its pages are different. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for all websites; you need to take into account what your target audience wants from their experience on your site!
B2B Marketing News: B2B Tech Spending Rises, Twitter’s New Ad Features, Marketers See Diversity Progress, & New B2B Content Marketing Study
New Research: 86% Of B2B Software Buyers Rely On Third-Party Reviews When Making A Purchase Decision
55 percent of B2B buyers have said that their technology spending will rise during 2022, while some 86 percent of buyers look to online peer-review sites before making purchase decisions — two of several statistics of interest to digital marketers contained in recently-released survey data. Demand Gen Report
The future of events: B2B marketers weigh in-person vs. virtual attendance
73 percent of B2B marketers who are primarily focusing on physical events also plan to still attend virtual ones, with some 55 percent noting that in-person events will play a large role in their strategy, according to newly-released report data. SmartBrief
Oracle and Microsoft Introduce Enhanced AI Capabilities for Customer Data Platforms
New personalization and data gathering technology that come in the form of digital streaming are part of the latest addition from Oracle’s CX Unity customer data platform (CDP), while Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 Customer Insights platform is slated to gain new insights from a combination of client website, mobile app, and other data, the firms recently announced . Chief Marketer
How to Find & Optimize Your MVPs (Most Valuable Pages)
Once you have clarity on the metrics or key success measurements, it will be much easier to decide on the pages that become MVPs and assess new priority pages or changes to MVPs over time.
For visibility metrics such as online impressions, click-through rates, search volume, clicks, and other areas like an average page or term rank, Google Search Console is a useful tool to use.
For post-click data such as traffic, website events, goal completions, purchases, bounce rates, and more, then Google Analytics is often the main go-to.
Optimizing Your Most Valuable Pages
Optimization comes in many forms and with myriad objective-led outcomes.
As you would expect, the type of optimization activity you pursue is closely matched to the intended gains you set out to achieve, the overriding purpose of the page or content in question, plus other factors like the marketing channel being deployed.
It is important to have a varied and consistent way of looking at performance spanning the main marketing channels and reviewing these in tandem with clear and SMART objectives.
Short Form vs. Long Form Content…and the Winner is?
What are the Benefits of Short Form Content?
It almost goes without saying, but short form content can be produced relatively quickly. Whether you’re throwing together a witty meme to troll the competition, or carefully composing product descriptions, you won’t spend hours writing one piece. Instead, each word counts.
Just as you spend less time producing short form vs long form content, customers don’t spend much time on it either. Instead, they’ll read something like this quickly, then move on to the next thing. If your customer doesn’t have a long attention span, this is especially useful because they’ll actually reach the end of it. Detailed information isn’t always needed or wanted.
I’ve already touched on this, but when you’re on a mobile device less is usually more. While there isn’t much difference with tablets, people that are browsing on their phones will not usually do much reading. After all, the large amount of text can quickly give them a headache. By including short form content on your website, you can include even the small screen crowd.
What are the Benefits of Long Form Content?
One reason that long form content seems to improve SEO is that it keeps people on your site longer. That’s a long-recognized factor in improving your SEO, since search engines view time on a page as an indicator that people consider a site valuable. Websites where people spend more time than average tend to rank higher in Google. Specifically, increasing time on site by 3 seconds helps you rank one position higher in the search results.
This one’s ultimately a matter of space. The more space you have for keywords without stuffing, the more you can try and rank your content for different keywords. While many of us will build the whole article around a single keyword, this isn’t always the best approach. Especially with ebooks and whitepapers, there might be several appropriate keywords that beg to be included. That’s one reason why keyword research is so important.
Long-form content delivers better conversion rates than short-form content. This might seem surprising, since short-form content includes product descriptions and memes. However, there is one study, done by Conversion Rate Experts and Crazy Egg, that gives us a clear picture of short form vs long form content conversion benefits. Specifically, a page’s conversion rate is boosted by 30% or more when landing pages are longer.
Content Length: Is It a Google Ranking Factor?
Google is frequently asked if word count is a ranking factor, meaning we have a lot of evidence to draw from for this section.
According to all the evidence available, it’s clear that word count is not a ranking factor.
He states:
“Word count is not a ranking factor. Save yourself the trouble.”
Here’s another statement from Mueller on Twitter confirming that word count is not used to evaluate content quality:
“Word count is not indicative of quality. Some pages have a lot of words that say nothing. Some pages have very few words that are very important & relevant to queries. You know your content best (hopefully) and can decide whether it needs the details.”
In one more example, Mueller advises that adding more text to a page will not make it better from Google’s perspective:
“From our point of view the number of words on a page is not a quality factor, not a ranking factor.
So just blindly adding more and more text to a page doesn’t make it better.”
Video SEO: 10 Steps to Optimizing Videos for Search and Discovery
1. YouTube Search
Like Google’s search engine, search on YouTube strives to surface the most relevant results according to keyword queries.
Videos are ranked based on a variety of factors including how well the title, description, and video content match the viewer’s query.
Beyond that, YouTube looks at which videos have received the most watch time and engagement for a particular query.
In other words, YouTube Search results are not a list of the most-viewed videos for a given query.
2. Suggested Videos
Here are some tips for optimizing your videos for Suggested Videos:
- Make strong calls to action to encourage viewers to watch another video in your series.
- Long endings may delay viewers from watching more, so be mindful of how your videos end.
- Use playlists, links, cards, and end screens to suggest the next video to watch.
- Develop a series of videos that are organically connected.
- Make videos related to popular formats on YouTube such as challenges or lists.
Read more: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-to-optimize-videos/422208/#close
Top 14 Benefits of Social Media for Your Business
Here are the top 14 reasons why it’s imperative for businesses to be on social media, and how it can help ensure your brand’s success.
1. Faster, Easier Communication
Customers can contact a customer service representative faster and easier now than ever before thanks to social media.
Businesses can also receive, review, and respond to customers’ grievances faster and easier than ever before.
2. Social Makes Your Brand More Relatable
One of social media’s greatest qualities is its ability to humanize the brands people use the most throughout their lives.
Not only does it give a brand a likeliness and vibe, but it makes it more relatable too.
3. Social is Great for Promoting Content
One way to get that humanization of a brand out there is through the major promotion of quality content.
Brands sharing valuable content with the right people is always going to be an enormous differentiator from those brands that don’t at all or simply miss the mark in doing so.
Read more: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/social-media-business-benefits/286139/
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