Free mini course: Fundamentals of Facebook Insights & Analytics.
Let’s make analytics easy. Learn to read Facebook Insights and Analytics. Join me, Saturday, March 28th, from 12:30 to 1:30.
Change the way you make decisions about your marketing:
Under the best of circumstances any analytics can be difficult and Facebook insights & analytics is no different. To make it even more difficult, the data can have different meanings based on your current goals. You need to be able to read the data in the context of your current goals and current market data. You need good data to make the right strategic decisions.
what You’ll learn
Here’s what you’ll learn in Fundamentals of Facebook Analytics!
Most business owners and many marketers look at the wrong metrics when trying to determine what is working on the Facebook page. In this course I’m going to make it easy to know which metrics to focus on and how to implement the right strategies based on data.
Learn how to use data to find what day and time most people visit your page.
Timing your posts correctly can have a big impact on how many people see your posts and your overall organic results.
Learn who is visiting your page and when.
Did you know you can see data from your competitors page? You can, and you’ll learn how to break down their results to see what is working.
The results you think are good, are only good if they’re better than your competitor.
The right KPIs
Ever wonder why you’re page isn’t getting the results you want even though it seems like it’s doing good?
You’re probably focused on the wrong data. (The likes you get don’t matter)
Learn the Facebook KPIs that really matter.
A note from the instructor.
Facebook analytics and insights give you all the information you need to make the right decisions for growing your business on Facebook, and reading the data can be easy. I’m going to give you a proven system to help make contextual data analytics easier than ever before.