Without having to go too far, did you know that you can avoid marketing mistakes? It doesn’t have to be that difficult or expensive.. you just need to take a look around you and your relationship with your customers. Add a bit of creativity and resourcefulness and you’re good to go! Have you thought about leveraging local search for your business? A few adjustments to make your services and your location more searchable in Google, combined with the right keywords will ramp up your presence in search results. And what about having a blog? A lot of people think that blogging is time consuming or maybe they have started one but they are stuck in a rut on what to write. For inspiration on how and where to start again, you can check our helpful articles here and here. Lastly, don’t ever forget to look back and be thankful to your local clients. Invest in taking care of them and giving them the best experience in their customer journey. A good word of mouth can also make them as your advocates for your business.
Google Ads Mistakes to Avoid — Best of Whiteboard Friday
Too many keywords
First thing, too many keywords. We see this a lot where people, in Google it says make sure to put together keywords that have the same sort of theme.
But your theme can be really specific, or it can be kind of vague. This is an example, a real example that we got, where the keyword examples were all lawyer themes, so “defense lawyer,” “criminal lawyer,””dui lawyer,” “assault lawyer,” “sexual assault lawyer.” Technically, they all have the same theme of “lawyer,”but that’s way too vague for it to be all in one single ad group, because what kind of ad are you going to show?
This is a consistent theme in all the tips I talk about is much more control over where you’re spending your money, what keywords you’re spending it on, what your ads are, having a much better landing page to ad match, which is also really important. It just makes your ad life so much easier when you’ve got it in all of those ad groups. I know it might seem intimidating. It’s like, “Well, I have three ad groups now.If I follow your tips, I’m going to have 40.”
Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
When choosing which part of a title to shorten, brand names and boilerplate text are obvious choices. But how do you determine if this is something you should consider for your own SEO?
Here’s an example of a brand’s site name at the end of every title:
We’ve all seen sites like this. Heck, most of us do this on our own sites. The question is, does having our brand/site name at the end of every title actually help, or hurt?
But first, we also have to consider other types of boilerplate.
What is boilerplate? Boilerplate simply means standardized, non-unique pieces of text that are used over and over again. This often includes things like categories, product categories, author tags, and taglines.
How to Use Social Media to Survive & Thrive in Tough Times
1. Be a Person
Talk with – Not at – Your Followers
Followers are friends, not “food.”
Remember that you’re going to connect with them as a person.
You’re neither going to gobble them up nor try and sell them stuff all of the time.
One great way to do this is to talk with – not at – your followers.
Social media is their space, not yours.
You are simply a guest and you need to be respectful of that as a brand.
Your Guide to Effective Storytelling in B2B Content Marketing
The S.T.O.R.Y Model for Great Storytelling in B2B Content Marketing
Sizzle. Tension. Originality. Relevance. Yearning. Every stellar piece of storytelling in B2B content marketing encompasses these five words. Let’s break down each one, and how they come together for a powerful experience. (We’ll lean on JGL to visualize these concepts.)
In Gordon-Levitt’s world of filmmaking, a “sizzle reel” refers to a short, fast-paced video edit featuring the best of someone’s past work. Sizzle reels are often put together by actors who distribute them in hopes of landing gigs. As the name suggests, these reels need to sizzle: The excitement and passion must be on display right away in order to wrangle the attention of a casting director sorting through hundreds of them.
The B2B marketer’s directive is no different. Earning the attention of our audiences in the era of rampant content saturation means we need to bring it. If your story does not imbue a genuine and immediately discernible sense of passion and excitement, it may very well not be worth telling.
Breaking: Facebook to Impose Limits on Number of Ads
Facebook will start limiting the number of ads a Page can run in February of 2021. Limits will be based on the highest ad spend of a month in the previous year.
Why Limit Volume?
Facebook is stressing more ad volume doesn’t mean better performance.
Adding more of anything to Facebook creates the need for it optimize. But, it can actually prevent that from happening effectively. Brands may notice certain ad creatives get few, if any, impressions and may find the status stuck in the Learning Phase for awhile.
How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
How to choose Google categories
Here’s your step-by-step workflow for picking the Google categories that are best for your business, with the help of some great tools.
1) Determine your most important search phrases
First, create a list that includes:
- The type of business you operate (e.g. “supermarket” “medical center” “restaurant”) and its variants. For example, if you’re an attorney, list out the subtypes associated with your firm, such a “personal injury lawyer” or “tax attorney”. If you own a restaurant, include whether it’s an “Italian restaurant”, a “family restaurant” and other qualifiers. A supermarket might also be a “grocery store” or “natural foods store”.
How to Create 10x Content — Best of Whiteboard Friday
What is 10x content?
10x content is content that is 10 times better than the highest ranking result for a given keyword(s). Here are 119 Examples of 10x Content.
Criteria for 10x content:
- It has to have great UI and UX on any device.
- That content is generally a combination of high quality, trustworthy, it’s useful, interesting, and remarkable. It doesn’t have to be all of those but some combination of them.
- It’s got to be considerably different in scope and in detail from other works that are serving the same visitor or user intent.
- It’s got to create an emotional response. I want to feel awe. I want to feel surprise. I want to feel joy, anticipation, or admiration for that piece of content in order for it to be considered 10x.
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